Q. I’ve fallen behind in my HOA fees, what should I do?
A. We understand that everyone faces challenges and are here to help. If you realize that you missed a payment, please contact the management company immediately to discuss payment arrangements. Once you are three months or more delinquent, your account will be turned over to the Association’s legal Counsel. To avoid this from happening, you need to contact your management company prior to your account becoming 60 days delinquent.
Q. I received a certified letter from the HOA lawyer, now what do I do?
A. Once your account has been turned over to the Association’s legal counsel, you must contact them for all questions regarding your account status. The Attorney is Cameron/Mericle and they can be reached on (301) 474-2044.
Q. The street lights on my street are out, who do I call?
A. Contact the management office to report the pole number and/or location of the light and request a repair. You can either visit their website at www.quality1propertymanagement.com and place an online service request or call them on (301) 583-7755 to report the outage. Please include the pole number which is on the front of the pole.
Q. I want to build a new deck or patio, what do I do?
A. Go to website and download an architectural application. Complete the form and add specifications, dimensions, colors, materials, etc. to attach to the form. Forward the application to the management company. You should have two neighbors, who are impacted by the change, sign off on the application. Their signature is only to confirm that they are aware of the request; not that they are approving the request. The Board has up to 60 days, following receipt of a completed application, to approve the request.
Q. Why do I have to have permission to make changes to the outside of my house?
A. Woods End is an Association that is governed by a set of governing documents which outline your responsibilities as homeowners. To ensure conformity within the community, the Bylaws require that anyone who decides to make a change to the exterior of their home, first obtain the written permission from the Board of Directors. This rule ensures that all homeowners maintain their homes in conformance with the architectural guidelines established for the community. The requirement for submitting an application includes replacement roof projects, installation of solar panels, repairs/painting of the home, or minor items such as installing a new storm door or light fixture.
Q. My neighbors dog barks all night and is disturbing my peace. What should I do?
A. If your neighbor’s dog is disturbing your peace, we first recommend that you raise your concerns to your neighbor. If this does not work, you can submit a letter of complaint to the management company. The letter must include what happen, when it happened, and the address where the dog resides. We will send out a letter to the offending party. As a reminder, this is also a violation of the County’s noise ordinance. Feel free to call the County at 311 and register a complaint.
Q. My neighbors are making too much noise. Who do I call?
A. We first recommend that you raise your concerns to your neighbor. If this does not work, you can submit a letter of complaint to the management company. The letter must include what happen, when it happened, and the address of the offending party. We will send out a notice of violation. As a reminder, this is a violation of the County’s noise ordinance. Feel free to call the County at 311 and register a complaint.
Q. The parking on my street doesn’t allow me to park my car along the curb. What should I do?
A. Each home has a garage and a driveway to park their vehicle. Open parking spaces are also provided along Summertime and Winterberry. Should none of these options, including curb parking, be available, you can park on South View.
Q. I received a violation letter. What do I do?
A. You received a violation letter due to either a maintenance issue or a complaint from one of your neighbors. You are encouraged to review the letter to ensure that you understand what the violation is and what actions you need to take to address the violation. The letter will provide you the timeframe to abate the violation. Should you have questions regarding the violation or dispute the violation, you should contact the management office prior to the timeframe allotted.
Q. I received a violation letter and I don’t agree. What should I do?
A. If you receive a notice of violation that you believe was sent in error or you dispute the notice of violation, you need to send a letter or email to the management company explaining why you believe the violation was sent in error. Your letter should also include a request for a hearing in front of the Board of Directors, to refute the notice of violation. The request for a hearing must be received prior to the allotted timeframe outlined in the letter.
Q. I have a problem with the landscapers work or they have damaged my property. What do I do?
A. Please contact the management company immediately to report the problem. Please include what happened, when it happened and a description of the workers. The management company will reach out to the lawncare vendor to have it addressed.
Q. A large tree has fallen on my property. Who do I call?
A. Please contact the management company immediately to report the problem. If you incur any damages, please report it to your insurance company and the management company.
Q. The snow plow hasn’t cleared my street. Who do I call?
A. The Association is responsible for snow removal for all of the streets except for South View. The snow crew is dispatched once snow accumulation is 3 inches or more. If your street is not cleared, please contact the management company to report this. For concerns regarding snow removal for South View, please call 311.
Q. The storm water management pond is overflowing. Who is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the pond?
A. The pond is owned and maintained by the County. While the Association keeps the grass cut, the County is actually responsible for maintaining and repairing the pond. The Association treats the pond to minimize algae growth and mosquito infestation. These services are provided to protect the residents.
Q. One of my guests or I have been injured on common area property. What do I do?
A. Please report the injury to the management company as soon as possible. Please include in the report the date, time, and nature of the injury, any witnesses, and how the injury was incurred. The management company will provide this to the Association’s insurance agent for appropriate action.